Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College

More freedom - more responsibility

Sixth Form Logo 2021Post 16 our girls enjoy more freedom and more responsibility.

With approximately 50 girls in each Sixth Form year group (Years 12 and 13) your daughter will not get lost among the crowd, but instead will have every chance to support her to secure the future she desires.

We enjoy excellent academic success at The Ladies' College Sixth Form and our students benefit from the immense support and academic expertise we have to offer.  In addition to this, we have a strong pastoral support system comprising of the Assistant Principal, Head of Sixth Form, and a team of tutors.  Each student is allocated a tutor throughout their time with us and along with our Enrichment Coordinator and UCAS Coordinator, they offer valuable support and guidance to ensure every girl is confident and ready to take her next step in life whether it is moving away to University or beginning a job.

But, Sixth Form is a lot more than just finishing with a collection of A-levels.


“The Sixth Form at The Ladies’ College presents an exciting, challenging and fulfilling two years in a fantastic environment for girls to develop their full potential to be successful and grounded young women. As well as focusing on academic excellence, Sixth Form aims to nurture and develop talents beyond the classroom, opportunities are abound for acquiring, evolving and using key skills for the future. I look forward to welcoming your daughter.”

Head of Sixth Form, Miss Clements


Pathways Smallbanner


Activities  Personal Development

Book 693569 18  Academic Study

Star 693569 18  Physical and Creativity

Bullhorn 693569 18  Leadership and Responsibility

Our Curriculum  Skills and Qualifications

Teachers  Community

Briefcase 693569 18  Co-curricular Activities

Fa Chevron Right 18  UCAS statement

Fa Chevron Right 18  ISI Report

Book 693569 18  Subject Booklet

Meet Our Head Girl Team Prospective Sixth Form Applicants Virtual Tour Leaf Centre


Sixth Forms in Partnership

External Link 693569 18  View our Sixth Form in Partnerships Prospectus



Parents should refer to their relevant handbooks for all information.

Fa Book 18  Sixth Form Handbook

To arrange a visit, or if you would like us to send you a prospectus, please contact us on 01481 721602 or


Diary Dates

  • Guernsey Eisteddfod

  • House Hockey

  • Science Week

  • Action Teams. Tutor Time for others

  • House STEM event - Lower Five and Upper Five

  • Year 7 Hockey Development Tournament

    15:30 to 17:00, Les Beaucamps

  • Life drawing - Lower and Upper Sixth

  • Ski Trip 2025 - Parent Meeting

    17:45 to 18:45, College Hall

  • Assembly - Remove to Upper Five

    10:30 to 10:50, College Hall

  • Career Talks - Lower Sixth - PR and Marketing

    11:00 to 11:30, Elizabeth College


Sixth Form Information


Sixth Form Policies

View all Policies


Sixth Form Hours

08.25 to 16.00

08.30 - 09.25 Period A 

09.35 - 10.20 Period B 

10.30 - 10.50 (See Bulletin)

10.50 - 11.00 Break

11.00 - 12.30 Period C

12.30 - 13.15 Lunch 

13.25 - 14.20 Period D 

14.30 - 16.00 Period E 

Where to find us View our convenient St. Peter Port location on the map...