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The Ladies' College


The 150th anniversary has given the College its first opportunity to offer a bursary scheme.

As part of its plans to celebrate 150 years since opening its doors, The Ladies’ College is delighted to announce it is establishing a bursary scheme, which will be open to students applying to join the Senior School either in Remove (Year 7) or the Sixth Form (Year 12) from September 2023.

The College’s fundraising activities for its 150th anniversary celebrations will focus on bursaries to support access to the school. Through ongoing fundraising initiatives, The Ladies’ College will use the scheme to offer a number of students a percentage of funds towards their fees, depending on individual needs.

"I am delighted that the Governors have decided that our fundraising efforts will be used for bursaries. Our doors have always been open to young women from a variety of backgrounds, which has contributed to the richness of our culture and the diversity of perspectives and voices. On this important anniversary for the College, it seems fitting that we do even more to open access, whilst maintaining the legacy of our pioneering founders." Ms Daniele Harford-Fox


What is a bursary?

Bursaries are a form of financial assistance the College can offer families to help them meet the cost of school fees in our Senior School. Bursaries are not academic scholarships, instead they are offered based on need and the contribution a young person can make to the life of the College. They can be awarded for those entering the Senior School, in Remove (Year 7) and those entering Sixth Form (Year 12).


Is my child eligible?

Our bursaries are means tested; the level of assistance is dependent on the circumstances of the student’s household. They are designed to help students who would both benefit from the College’s education but will also contribute to the life and culture of the school. We can offer full bursaries that can cover 100% of the fees, but the majority of awards made cover a percentage of tuition fees.

All applications are reviewed on an individual basis. In some cases, home visits are made to ensure all relevant information for both the College and parents has been obtained and provided.

Bursaries are usually made for the full period that a student is at the College. They are reviewed annually but are unlikely to change if the household’s financial circumstances have not materially changed.

All students applying to join the Senior School at Year 7, including those applying for a bursary are required to meet the entry requirements of the College’s Entrance Assessment. Students wishing to join the Sixth Form will be required to meet the entry requirements for the Sixth Form and will be asked for interview.


How do I apply?

If you wish to apply for a bursary, please complete a Bursary Registration Form 

Fa File Pdf O 18  Bursary Registration Form for Year 7 and Year 12

Entry to Remove 2025: Bursary Applications are closed.

Applications for Bursaries in Remove (Year 7) Sept 2026 - Now being accepted 

Closing Date for Bursary Application - Friday 3rd October 2025

Bursary Application Interviews- Week commencing 13th October 2025

Bursary Offers confirmed on - 7th November 2025

Acceptance of Bursary Offers -  21st November 2025 (Deadline)

If you have not already done so, you should also complete a Registration Form to register your child for assessment to enter the College

Fa File Pdf O 18  Registration Form for Junior, Senior and Sixth Form
Please submit completed Forms to our Registrar, Miss Rosalyn McClean


Entry to Sixth Form (Year 12) 2025: Closed

Applications for Bursaries for Sixth Form 2026 : Dates not yet released

Fa File Pdf O 18  Bursaries Policy
Fa File Pdf O 18  Bursaries Flyer
Chevron Sign To Right  Apply For A Place