Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College

Nurturing young minds

Melrose Logo 2021 Melrose, a beautiful Georgian building on the same campus as the Senior School, has been home to our warm and friendly Preparatory and Junior Departments since 1949.

Our pupils embrace The Ladies' College ethos to be the best they can be, and are well prepared for a smooth transition up to Senior School in Year 7 (Remove).

In Lower, Middle and Upper Preparatory (Years R, 1 and 2) we take only 20 girls per year and have both a teacher and a Learning Support Assistant allocated to each class, ensuring your daughter gets every chance to grow and shine as the individual she is.

In the Junior Department (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) we take up to 24 girls per year. In these year groups the girls are often taught by subject specialist teachers. In addition the girls benefit from a Learning Support Assistant.


Head Teacher, Mrs Lawson

“Melrose pupils feel motivated enough to aim high, question ideas, take risks and develop as independent learners, driven by their own self-belief. Above all, they enjoy school and relish in all the opportunities that our broad and exciting curriculum has to offer.”

Fa Chevron Right 18 Head Teacher's Welcome
Fa File Pdf O 18 Celebration of the School Year Speech


Melrose Vision Statement

At Melrose we commit to developing positive wellbeing for our pupils and staff. We promote mental and emotional resilience to embrace and navigate the challenges of everyday life. We put wellbeing at the heart of our school to create an environment which nurtures and develops balanced, happy individuals."


Our Departments

Fa Chevron Right 18  Academic Departments

Other Information

Fa Chevron Right 18  Co-Curricular Brochure

Fa File Pdf O 18  Co-curricular Activities Trinity 2024

Fa Chevron Right 18  Curriculum

Fa Chevron Right 18  ISI Report

Fa Chevron Right 18  E-Safety

Fa Chevron Right 18  Health

Fa Female 18  Uniform

Fa Chevron Right 18  Term Dates


Contact Us

Call Melrose reception on 01481 721338, or email Miss Anders at


Handbook Golden Rules

Parents should refer to their relevant handbook for all information concerning medicines, illness and other important matters. For your ease, the Melrose handbook can also be viewed here.  

Fa Book 18  Parent Handbook






Diary Dates

  • World Maths Day

  • French Eisteddfod (Performance at 2pm)- Upper Prep and Form I

    13:30 to 14:35, Beau Sejour

  • PTA Mothers Day present room

  • Class Assembly - Middle Preparatory

    10:10 to 10:40, Melrose Hall

  • Preps Movie Night

    17:00 to 18:45, Melrose

  • School Council Meeting

    07:50 to 08:20, Melrose Activity Room

  • Parent Meetings online - details to follow

    16:30 to 19:00, Online



    Microsoft Teams Need help?

    Meeting ID: 342 232 868 70

    Passcode: MW7AX3zZ

    For organizers: Meeting options



  • Fire Fighter Bernie visiting - Lower Prep

    09:30 to 10:00, Melrose

  • Du Putron Challenge Final - Form III

  • Parent Meetings in person - details to follow

    15:00 to 18:00, Melrose


Junior School Hours

Lower Preparatory Department

08.40 to 14.45

Upper Preparatory Department

08.40 to 14.55

Junior Department

08.40 to 15.30

Morning break 10.10 to 10.30

Lunch break 11.45 to 12.55

Where to find us View our convenient St. Peter Port location on the map...