Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College
  • New Performance Studio
    New Performance Studio
  • New build
    New build
  • New Refectory
    New Refectory
  • New Library
    New Library
  • New Performance Studio
    New Performance Studio
  • New build
    New build
  1. 1
  2. 2
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Agfl Logo New Long

Please get in touch with our Development Office if you wish to make a financial contribution to the ongoing development of The Ladies' College.

The College has developed greatly over the past 12 years with three phases of fundraising under the banner “A Gift for Learning”. This started with a new Sixth Form Centre (the Leaf Centre) being built in 2008. Following on from that a new Art and Drama building was opened next to Melrose which is used by the junior and senior students. In 2016, the last phase was completed with the new “Wessex Wing” replacing the old temporary huts that had been on the site for 20 years. This new building has provided modern classrooms, a spacious library, music rooms and the Core refectory facility. Visitors regularly comment on how good they think these new facilities are.

Of particular comment, is the recently built refectory, The Core. It is a welcoming, centrally located communal area for all to enjoy. Break and lunch is served every day to students and staff from the whole College, with a wide selection of healthy hot and cold food, soup, salads and snacks on offer - vegetarian, vegan and special dietary requirements are all taken into account. The menu is varied with themed meals and special days. Students can also bring their own packed lunch and eat on the terrace and lawn when the weather permits. Additionally, The Core is used as a social space for College, PTA and Guild events.

The latest development on the campus was the refurbishment of a storeroom on College Field into a two story facility - a darkroom downstairs for Photography and a classroom and multi-kitchen area upstairs allowing Food Technoly to be added to  the D&T and Enrichment provision.  This building was officially opened early 2021 named The Ellershaw Centre, after Miss Ellershaw the Principal of the College during WWII.

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Ladies College Green Crest 150 Years


In October 2022, the College will celebrate its 150th anniversary and there are plans for a year of celebration to highlight how much the College has to offer. The College has a development department that is key to nurturing relationships with alumnae and friends of the College, along with working with local companies who support with sponsorship, careers and networking events.

Further Pages

Development of The Ladies' College / Phases 1 and 2 / Phase 3 / Ways of giving / Corporate benefactors / Donor Recognition / Events


Contact us

Water Colouring

The Ladies’ College, Les Gravées, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1RW

T: +44 (0) 1481 721602

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