Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College

Our strength is our girls

At The Ladies’ College our girls are inspired to succeed within a caring school community. We teach our students to be adaptable in their learning, receptive to the advice and support of their teachers, and resolute in their desire to make the most of every opportunity. Our teachers work tirelessly to ensure students are supported, both academically and emotionally, and to impart a sense of responsibility for supporting each other.

Our academic record continues to be outstanding and this year we maintained our 100% pass rate with every student gaining five 9 to 4 (A*- C) grades, including English and Mathematics. 74.8% of grades were 9 to 7 (A*/A), and 91.1% were 9 to 6 (A* to B).

In addition, value added data demonstrates that our students achieve significantly, which is a reflection of their work ethic and the support they get from committed, conscientious and talented teachers.

But our girls are more than just a set of results. Here they discover the best of themselves. Our school is bursting with talent both in and out of the classroom. Our co-curricular activities provide further opportunity for personal achievment and here, they will make the friends they keep for life. 


Meet our Principal, Ms Harford-FoxDHFSQ

The Ladies’ College aims to allow every girl to find her voice, to explore ideas, build connections and to have the space to discover who she is...”

Fa Chevron Right 18  Principal's Welcome   


Our Departments

Fa Chevron Right 18  Academic Departments

Other Information

Fa Chevron Right 18  Co-Curricular Activities

Fa File Pdf O 18  Curriculum Policy

Fa File Pdf O 18  Upper Four Choices Booklet

Fa Chevron Right 18  Curriculum Evening

Fa Chevron Right 18  ISI Report

Fa Chevron Right 18  E-Safety

Fa Chevron Right 18  Pastoral Care

Fa Chevron Right 18  Discovery Days

Fa Chevron Right 18  Library

Fa Female 18  Uniform


Contact Us

Call The Ladies' College reception on 01481 721602, or email Miss McClean at



Parents should refer to their handbooks for all information concerning medicines, illness and other important matters. For your ease, the Senior School handbook can also be viewed here.  

Fa Book 18  Senior School Handbook



Diary Dates

  • House Spelling Bee (Lower Four)

  • Half Term

  • Tutor Time - Remove to Upper Five

  • College Assembly

    10:30 to 10:50, College Hall

  • Tutor Time - Remove to Upper Five

  • House Pancake Race

    10:50 to 11:15, Gym

  • De Putron Challenge - Lower Four

    14:00 to 17:00, Beau Sejour

  • GCOS Choir Rehearsal Dates

    19:00 to 21:45, College Hall; Car Park

  • House Meetings

  • Parents' Evening - Lower Sixth

    17:00 to 19:30, Elizabeth College


Senior School Hours

08.20 to 16.00

Morning registration is 08.25

Morning break is 10.50 to 11.15

Lunch break is 12.15 to 13.20

Afternoon registration is 13.20

Remove and Lower Four finish at 15.30 but have optional supervised Prep from 15.30 to 16.00 Monday to Thursday.

Where to find us View our convenient St. Peter Port location on the map...