Tel. 01481 721602
The Ladies' College


Guiding principles:

All Sixth Formers at The Ladies' College are role models, so we ask you to maintain a professional and appropriate standard of dress. There are two guiding principles:

Clothes are a cultural signifier, and different clothes are appropriate in different contexts. Students should learn how to 'dress for their day' and dress appropriately for the context (e.g. different clothes are needed when studying Art and Drama, during PE lessons, or meeting and greeting prospective parents).

Clothes should reflect the position of Sixth Formers as role models and be professional (for example in line with what would be expected by a teacher working in a school). Our Registrar or Senior Leadership Team may call upon any student to offer a tour for prospective families or sometimes visitors. We ask that everyone is appropriately dressed to do so at short notice.


During the school day:

Sixth Formers are asked to wear professional, practical and comfortable clothes, including shoes, to encourage active travel and active classrooms. These should be in line with the sorts of clothes that would be appropriate for a teacher to wear in a normal working day. Forms of dress should not interfere with the teaching, learning and assessment process, or be a personal health and safety risk, e.g., backless shoes.

  • Piercings - no facial piercings
  • Tattoos - no visible tattoos
  • Style - no crop tops, micro minis or micro shorts
  • Logos - no logos that could cause offence
  • Ladies' College Hoodies - hoods down when travelling to school, during school time, between lessons and travelling home from school


Teachers and mentors will address Sixth Form dress issues, passing on any recurring issues to the pastoral team (Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Principal (Innovation and Student Development).


Formal Events e.g. Speech Day, Commemoration Service:

Formal attire should be worn underneath the College Gown for formal events such as Speech Day, Commemoration Service, when representing the College or if leading a whole school assembly in the Senior School. Formal attire should be suits or the equivalent. Students will be informed by the Senior Leadership Team or Head of Sixth Form when they are expected to wear formal attire for these events.


Specific events and representing the College:

There are occasions when the community is encouraged to dress up, e.g., Speech Day, to dress down, e.g. Mufti, or to dress for House or sports events, and trips. Dress for your day information will be communicated clearly by the Sixth Form team. Any concerns regarding dress should be discussed with the pastoral team comprising mentors, Sixth Form Assistant, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Principal (Innovation and Student Development) or The Principal.