“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.”
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is underpinned through play; this is fundamental to all aspects of a child's development and learning. It is through play and exploration that enables the development of language and emotional growth and enhances creativity and social skills. We offer the opportunity to play and explore both indoors and outdoors throughout every day. It is through these different environments and the provision of quality planned experiences that the girls are able to develop the skills of problem solving and risk taking, as well as team work and social interaction to name only a few of the other benefits.
It is through the EYFS's play based learning experiences that the staff can observe and plan activities and opportunities that endeavour to stimulate and develop the unique needs of each of the girls within our care.
The EYFS is structured around seven areas. The 3 fundamental Prime areas create the foundation to develop the skills to enable growth in the 4 specific areas.
Prime Areas
Problem solving, interaction, confidence, determination, risk taking, manage feelings, positive relationships, have a voice, respect, perseverance, understanding and planning.
Following instructions, narrative, response, answering and questioning.
Negotiating space, dressing and undressing, control, co-ordination, healthy eating, small movement and personal hygiene.
Specific Areas
Writing, stories, blending, words, phonics, decoding, understanding, reading, formation and book appreciation.
Position, size, add, half, one less, one more, place numbers, subtraction, count to 20, quarter, capacity, mathematical language, time, sharing, forward, backward, pattern and weight.
Community, technologies, past, present, animals, plants, similarities, differences and environments.
Dance, singing, movement, texture, colour, design, technology, songs, media, music and role-play.
“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein