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The Ladies' College

Physical Education

“Energising mind and body”

Junior Department

Physical Education (PE) is taught at Melrose by specialist PE staff for 2 hours per week and then each class is on a rotational basis with the curriculum enrichment afternoon which gives pupils an extra hour over 3 half terms, this lesson being taught by the Guernsey Sports Commission and Development Officers. Melrose has good links with the Sports Commission and its sports Development Officers, which allows our girls to have a taster of sports such as cricket, hockey, badminton and tag rugby.

Junior Pe

During the normal curriculum lessons, girls enjoy learning and improving in netball, swimming, fitness, ball skills, dance, gymnastics, football, rounders, athletics and tennis.

Normally there are two lunchtime clubs provided for girls each week including netball, football, tag rugby, duathlon, athletics and cricket.

Melrose girls enjoy fixtures for netball, hockey, athletics, cricket, football and tag rugby.

All girls take part in house sports with Form II and Form III in netball and rounders, Form I and JR in fun relay games. All years and girls then participate in house cross country, swimming and athletics.

Melrose benefits from using The Ladies' College facilities which include two top class netball courts, 25m swimming pool, trim trail, large field and the gym.

Pre-Preparatory Department and Preparatory Department

Prep Pe

Both departments swim all year round on a Monday morning at BSJ. The sessions are run and planned by the BSJ Swim School Staff.

On a Tuesday the Preparatory Department have ballet lessons run by the Dance Academy, with Upper Preparatory beginning Modern Dance. The Pre-Preparatory girls dance on a Thursday morning.

Prep Pe 2

Each Department has a half hour PE session during the week to develop fitness through, team games, gymnastics, ball skills and dance.

Upper Preparatory have a half term of Tag Rugby which is run by the rugby Development Officers and culminates in a mini tournament with local Year 2 classes.

The Preparatory Department enjoy a lunchtime sports club, run by the Sports Commission and an afterschool football club run by the football Development Officer for at least half a term a year. Girls enjoy learning some basic tag rugby skills in lesson time through the rugby Development Officers.


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