Key Stage 3
Our current curriculum for KS3 covers a range of topics that include: the study of World Religions, atheist/Humanist belief, Philosophy, Theology and Ethics. It is designed to challenge our students and develop critical thinking skills.
The 2023/2024 Remove syllabus is:
The 2023/2024 Lower Four syllabus is:
The 2023/2024 Upper Four syllabus is:
Key Stage 4
Students in Lower Five and Upper Five follow the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Unit 1A: Religion and Ethics through Christianity and Unit 2C: War, Peace and Punishment through Islam.
There is no coursework for the GCSE and it is completed at the end of Upper five with two 90 minute examinations.
In Lower Five, the students study Unit 1A: Religion and Ethics through Christianity.
In Upper Five, the students study Unit 2C: War, Peace and Punishment through Islam.
Key Stage 5
Advanced Level (A-level)
We follow the OCR syllabus for Religious Studies. Within this the student's study: Religious Philosophy, Religious Ethics and Developments in Religious Thought: Christianity.
It is a linear course in which three examinations are sat at the end of Upper Sixth. Each examination is worth 33.3% of the total A level. There is no coursework.
Philosophy is taught at The Ladies' College and Ethics is taught at Elizabeth College. The teaching of Developments in Religious Thought: Christianity is shared between the two Colleges.