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The Ladies' College

Philosophy, Ethics and Beliefs

The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual’s own reason and critical analysis.” Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)

The Religious Studies department has rebranded to reflect the current nature of the subject. The quote by Tenzin Gyatso certainly conveys the importance of individual autonomy. Our department embeds critical analysis and reasoning into our student’s toolkit of skills which will equip them for life-long learning.

The P.E.B department recognises that understanding the true nature of beliefs, including the similarities between religions and the influence that beliefs assert over society, is an essential part of cultivating a more open-minded culture and society. Consequently, our department’s pedagogy has a cross-curricular focus that includes: the six major world religions, spiritualities, atheist/Humanist views, Philosophy, Ethics, Christian Theology, History, Psychology, Geography and the Media. Such subject areas are studied in an academic and objective manner and challenge the students to identify connections between their studies and the world around them.

The department present beliefs in a modern and relevant way, whilst encouraging students to become critical thinkers and morally aware citizens who have key academic skills to excel in the workplace.

P.E.B lessons are designed to both challenge and inform as well as develop the type of academic skills that are widely valued in the workplace, such as investigation and synthesis. In all areas of the subject students are encouraged to formulate their own well-reasoned opinions, by analysing complex arguments and a variety of beliefs.

By the end of Upper Four, students will have a sound understanding of the key features of the six major world religions, a comprehensive understanding of topical philosophical issues such as the relationship of science and religion, along with the ability to apply ethical theories to moral issues such as genetic engineering.

At GCSE and A-level, students continue to develop key skills and knowledge at a higher level and will certainly have an excellent foundation to do so from their studies in KS3.


Teachers  Meet our Teachers

Our Curriculum  Our Curriculum

Activities  Activities

Tips  Top tips for Philosophy, Ethics and Beliefs
