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The Ladies' College

Science - Meet our Teachers

Science Divider

Dr Marshall - Head of Science, Head of Chemistry

BSc Hons Bristol, PhD Churchill College, Cambridge, PGCE, NPQH

The most exciting part of the school day is when girls come and show Dr Marshall the science experiments that they tried out at home in the kitchen or using their younger siblings and grandparents as guinea pigs. Science is all around us and we can't live without it. Dr Marshall hopes that through the love of science at a young age, Ladies' College girls will be inspired go on and become the scientists who patch together the environmental damage that our generation has left behind and pave the way for an amazing, technological, but sustainable future for all mankind.

Mr Barnes

BSc Hons York, PGCE, MRSC, CChem CSci

One of Mr Barnes's greatest pleasures is watching the "click" moment when a student understands something that they didn't do previously. Chemistry has overarching principles and all you really need is to understand these concepts and have a periodic table! It is the Science that transforms less useful materials into more useful products and affects the quality of our lives in many different ways. After graduating from York University he spent 6 years teaching in the Isle of Man before moving south to Guernsey and has been at the The Ladies' College since 2003. He considers himself to be very privileged to teach students as motivated as those at The Ladies' College.

Miss Ellen - Head of Biology

BSc Hons St Andrews, PGCE

Miss Ellen studied for a degree in Marine and Environmental Biology at the University of St Andrews before completing a PGCE at St Martin's, Lancaster. Stories of childhood holidays in Guernsey from her father meant a position at the Ladies' College was an exciting opportunity not to be missed. She finds Biology fascinating and particularly enjoys the fact that there is always something new to learn and share with her students.

Mrs McGregor - Head of Physics

MSci, Durham, PGCE

Mrs McGregor graduated from Durham University in 2009 with a master's degree in Natural Sicences. She places great value on independent learning and strives to give girls the confidence to explore Physics concepts both within and outside the classroom. She thrives on a dynamic learning environment and admires the enthusiasm of the girls at The Ladies' College.

Mrs Falla

BSc Hons, Loughborough, PGCE

Mrs Clements

MA, The Institute of Education UCL, BSc Hons, University of East Anglia, PGCE

Dr Whelband

PhD Nottingham, BSC Hons, Nottingham, PGCE

Mr Herschel

BSc Hons University of Plymouth, PGCE

Ms Murphy

BA and MA Hons in Natural Sciences, University of Cambridge

Laboratory Assistants:

Dr Fraser - Senior Technician

BSc Hons Oxford Brookes, PhD Oxford Brookes

Mrs Hatton

BSc Hons University of Salford 


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