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The Ladies' College

Managing your own learning means showing:

Quick jump to: Initiative / Resilience / Effective time management



Being willing to be independently minded. Thinking ahead and working things out for yourself. Organising yourself and not waiting to be told what to do.


Being determined to persist and stick with challenging situations. Knowing how valuable it is to struggle and try hard. Dealing positively with failure and using it as a learning opportunity (F.A.I.L.). You strive to understand a concept as much as possible on your own before asking for help and apply self-discipline in not finding the easy answer to a problem.
Time Management

Effective time management

In your studies and at work, you’re more than likely to have several pieces of work to juggle at any one time. Break each project down into the relevant tasks, work out how long you will need to spend on each part, then allocate time in your planner in order of priority.


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