UPDATE 21/09/2017
The 3 Colleges have sent the below document to all Deputies setting out their suggestions for how States funding for an assisted places scheme might be implemented.
The Role of the Colleges and States Funding for Assisted Places PDF
Our response to the States of Guernsey’s debate on the future funding of the 3 Colleges.
The States of Guernsey agreed in 2012 to gradually reduce the level of grant aid to the colleges over a seven year period. In 2016 the decision was made to move away from selection at 11 and cease the funding of 52 special place holders per school year across the three colleges. Discussions have taken place over the future level of States funding.
The Three Colleges have been unable to reach an agreement with Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) over a realistic level of future States funding that will allow the colleges to remain inclusive.